How to install ride robot framework on windows:

Step: 1

Check weather python installed or not. If not installed click on this link here and download Python 3.7.8 and install(Add Environment path).

Step: 2

Open Powershell and Check weather pip installed or not. If not intalled skip this or else uninstall the exitsing pip by this command pip install -U pip

Step: 3

Continue this step only if pip complaints to certificate errors, then add some hosts to pip.ini

Python version 3.x on Windows 10 does not have this pip.ini file, so you have to create it manually from powershell/cmd:

Step: 1

mkdir C:\ProgramData\pip

Step: 2

Create a file C:\ProgramData\pip\pip.ini

Step: 3

Copy the below code and paste it in the pip.ini file.

[global] trusted-host =

Step: 4

wxPython is a cross-platform GUI toolkit for the Python programming language. It allows Python programmers to create programs with a robust, highly functional graphical user interface, simply and easily.

Install wxPython: pip install wxPython

Step: 5

Robot Framework is a generic open source automation framework. It can be used for test automation and robotic process automation (RPA)

Install Robot Framework: pip install robotframework

Step: 6

Verify whether "Python Script" directory path is present in the local environment. If no set the path in the local environment path.


Step: 7

Robot Framework is a generic test automation framework for acceptance level testing. RIDE is a lightweight and intuitive editor for Robot Framework test data.

pip install robotframework-ride

Step: 8

restart powershell

Step: 9

SeleniumLibrary supports finding elements based on different strategies such as the element id, XPath expressions, or CSS selectors. The strategy can either be explicitly specified with a prefix or the strategy can be implicit.

Install Robot Framework Selenium Library: pip install robotframework-seleniumlibrary

Step: 10

Download the correct Chromedriver version from here and compare with chrome version you have.

Copy the downloaded exe to some directory (e.g: C:\work\selenium ) and install.

Step: 11

Add path to chromedriver.exe in the local evironment path. (e.g: C:\work\selenium )

Step: 12

WADLibrary is a Application testing library for Robot Framework that utilizes Win App Driver. This library was created to be able to work with multi-window use cases compared to Appium.

Install WADLibrary: pip install robotframework-wadlibrary

Step: 13

Open RIDE Shortcut already created in the Desktop.

Step: 14

Click on File and create new project

Step: 15

Right click on Project name appearing in the right side and create new Test Case

Step: 16

Simple log to console test case and its output: